Missions,Evangelism and Training DepartmentUnder a new structure the Missions,Evangelism Training department comes under the Theological Resource Centre and it is headed by the Rev. Hudson Kaseko.
MET is the outreach arm of the CCAP Blantyre synod, whose main aim is to fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.MET exists mainly to focus on the following pillars;
- Leading mankind to repentance and the acceptance of Jesus Christ.
- Increasing the number of Transformed Christians in communities served by Blantyre Synod.
- To Proclaim and Propagate the word of God both in homes and abroad so as to make disciples
- Demonstrate a new practicing of a deepened life of prayer and service under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
- Strengthen the Christian Families
- To develop and strengthen Partnership and Twinning
Missions Program
Through this program Synod MET in partnership with GZB and Rev. Schaafsma are conducting awareness seminars in Muslims dominated Presbyteries of Mangochi, Chiuta and Livilidzi. in such away that now 346 members have joined the CCAP church.All this work is been done partnership with Nthenga Wabwino.
Church Growth
To accomplish it's mission, Synod MET has also been conducting church Rallies in various Presbyteries like Chiuta, Blantyre City, Chiladzulu, Livilidzi and many more.All these Rallies to MET, have brought a positive impact in such away that a number of people have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and person Saviour, being healed from their sickness and also have joined the church of CCAP.
Church Planting
Apart from Fulfill it's work of reaching out to the unreached, MET also does the work of planting churches in different presbyteries.